The Digital Agenda for Europe is entering in its final phase. Only joint efforts from all stakeholders will make it happen!
This year, once again, the Digital Agenda Assembly (DAA13) is not only a chance for bringing together all the key stakeholders to discuss the progress so far and the challenges ahead. more07.06.2013
Cabinet Office confirms public cloud first policy
The Cabinet Office has confirmed that the cloud will be mandated as the first choice for all new IT purchases in government, as part of moves to push more departments into using commodity cloud services. more07.06.2013
G-Cloud moves to GDS
The G-Cloud has become part of the remit of the Government Digital Service (GDS). more07.06.2013
Public cloud: Ready for business?
Cloud computing is moving beyond small companies, startups and software development to the era of full-scale enterprise deployments. more07.06.2013
Digital "to-do" list: new digital priorities for 2013-2014
The European Commission has adopted seven new priorities for the digital economy and society. more07.06.2013
Report on the public consultation for H2020 work programme 2014-15: Cloud Computing, Software and Services more27.03.2013
Switching cloud services
"If industry hype is anything to go by, everyone should be using services. But what happens when a cloud service is longer available? This is exactly what happened to Postini’s customers."
News International to collapse six datacentres as part of its cloud strategy
"News International will be collapsing six of its datacentres which includes two in the UK, two in the US and two in Australia as part of its strategy to adopt more cloud-based services."