Europe's Most Authoritative & Independent Conference
Enterprise Data and BI Conference Europe 2015 more26.05.2015
Cloud Industry meets Scientific and Market Research 17. Juni 2015 von 10:00 - 18:00 Techgate Vienna, Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Wien more26.05.2015
WSO2Con EU 2015
June 1-3 London, Park Plaza Victoria The most exciting middleware conference is back in the EU! more12.01.2015
CLOUDTECH 2015 is co-sponsored by IEEE
After the success of the three editions of “The International Workshop on Mobile and Cloud Computing Technologies and Security”, held successively in Rabat (2011), Agadir (2012) and Marrakesh (2013), we are proud to upgrade it as a plenary conference. CLOUDTECH’2015, “International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications” will be held in Marrakesh on June 2-4, 2015. more10.01.2015
Cloud Expo Europe 2015
Cloud Expo Europe is the biggest and best attended cloud event in the world and it is focused entirely around you. more03.09.2014
"Cloud Computing and Public Services"
As closing event of the Project “SECOVIA” will be held in Rome on 22 September 2014 more31.07.2014
Transnational experience exchange workshop on cloud computing in Gyõr, Hungary on 9 September 2014
The event is aimed at business people, those who are in the process of decision regarding private or leased facilities or would simply like to better understand the process in this light. more06.06.2014
Information and public consultation on government-related cloud services in Hungary
Awareness raising info day and public consultation event will be held in Budapest (Hungary) on 12.06.2014 more15.05.2014
Greek consultation event will be held in Patras, on 30th May 2014
An event on potential common approaches for public private partnerships as a means to foster investments to improve virtual accessibility of SEE areas more